Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Posterior Compartment of the Arm.

Hey guys. We're presenting this Thursday.. SO PLEASE, PLEASE DO PREPARE :) I've got a 2 hour break from 9 - 11. So.. I'd appreciate it if you pass the stuff to me or VIRAN to compile ( what time is your law tute, viran? ) . Then, we can discuss during the practical session and try to finalize everything before we present. Over the past few weeks, we couldn't discuss the last activity of the pract because of time constraints. And I am trying to minimise that.. :( So we can all benefit from the session. Oh, but if you have a better idea and method to organize us during practical sessions, please do speak up :) :) :) :) :)

P.S. This division of work thing is so that we can have a complete answer sheet, without wanting to bang our heads on the wall.. and IF YOU EVER DO NEED HELP, PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO ASK. I am sure any one of us would be willing to help. Seriously :)

Have fun, guys ! :)

(Use articulated skeletons & bone sets)
1.1. Identify the spiral groove of the humerus
1.1.1. What does it demarcate?
1.1.2. List its contents.


(Use models & plastinated specimens)
2.1. Draw a labeled cross section of the middle third of the arm showing the following :
2.1.1. Superficial and deep fascia and its extensions
2.1.2. The anterior and posterior compartments
2.1.3. Neuro vascular structures

2.2. What is compartment syndrome?
2.2.1. What is the order in which key structures within the compartment are affected?
2.2.2. What is their clinical significance?

Syukriah & Ridzuan.
2.3. Identify triceps.
2.3.1. What are its 3 heads?
2.3.2. Where does this muscle insert?
2.3.3. What is its action?
2.3.4. Its weakness is not much of clinical significance. Why not?
2.4. Which group of patients will be most affected by its paralysis / weakness?

(Use models, textbooks (e.g. Snell ), atlases & plastinated specimens)
Arma & Daksha.
3.1. Identify the deep veins.of the arm
3.2. What are vena comitantes?
3.2.1. What is their function?
3.3. Identify the brachial vein
3.3.1. Where does the brachial vein arise?
3.3.2. Where does it pierce the deep fascia?

3.4. What structural changes occur at this level in the arm ?
3.5. Where is the cephalic vein located in the arm?
3.5.1. Is it pre-axial or post-axial?
3.5.2. Where does it arise?

Viran & CarrMen.
4.1. Identify the Radial nerve.
4.1.1. From what nerve roots does it arise?
4.1.2. What is a "Saturday night palsy" ?
4.1.3. How will you test this nerve if you suspect an injury at the level of the mid-shaft of humerus? What is the resultant clinical deformity?
4.2. How will you distinguish this condition from lesions affecting the nerve roots of the brachial plexus?
4.3. How do you generally classify radial nerve injuries?

{Refer to radiological images in textbooks. MUCAS and Radiology 2 }
Review the following :
Sandhya & Chang Thai
5.1. Humerus : AP and Lateral Views
5.2. Fracture shaft of Humerus
5.3. Arteriogram of the Brachial artery and its branches

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