Tuesday, November 3, 2009

if dont want to study anatomy anymore..do this..!!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

exam stuff contd

hey guys a small mistake about the SAQ's, there is a possibility that socio can come as an SAQ, i think its higly unlikely though as we have got many socio question last sem more or less covering everythin the 2nd years got last year.. but it is possible tht maybe one question can come.. I was thinking law and clinical skills can come as SAQ's
most probably material risk and maybe some MSE stuff,

but im not sure im jus guessing all of this.. if u have time id suggest running through the main stuff in socio like sick role, antibiotic resistence spread, biographical disruption, whitehall studies, social class gradient, good death dr and patient perspective, palliative care, good and bad patients, norms and values, access, equity, needs, barriers to access structure and agency, social integration and regulation by durkhiem, critics of the sick role, definition of socialisation and the agents of socialisation and the medical gaze..

hehe thts alot and i still havent even covered half of 2nd sem :(

but id say pay more attention to ur epidemiology, anatomy, neuro, pharmaco, muscle function, sensory system, development, law and clinical stuff that we did this sem.. and of course sivalal's stuff and try and make summin up if we cant revise socio and if SAQ comes from it..